Save The Dates For High-End Munich 2024
09 - 12 May 2024 | The Leading International Audio Show
The HIGH-END, the internationally renowned audio exhibition, is the undisputed leader when it comes to impressively setting the tone for top-class music reproduction. It has been providing ideas and impetus for producers, sellers and consumers of high-quality consumer electronics for four decades. On the four days of the event, the entire world of audio experts and professionals gather in Munich to visit hundreds of exhibitors from more than 40 different countries as they showcase their latest innovations in the halls and atriums of the MOC event centre.
The 2024 Edition, 9-12 May is gearing up to be the most exciting ever as initial exhibitor numbers demonstrate, once again taking every available space at the MOC Event Center, in Munich, Germany.
As the High End Society reports, in the initial weeks after the invitation for the 2024 edition went out, over 200 exhibitors signed up to present their innovations at the largest event of its kind. For many years, the High End has been a recognized showcase for the high end and home audio industry, building upon the dynamics of the robust German market to attract also an increasing number of global brands and international trade visitors. People from over 90 countries flock to Munich every year to discover the most exciting audio designer, find out about the industry trends, network, and do business. For industry experts, audiophile enthusiasts and music lovers, the four-day event in May 2024 once again promises to deliver a unique world of experiences.
Exhibitor registration period will end on November 30, 2023. Interested companies can find additional information on the website or contact the organizer directly. Tickets for the High End 2024 can only be purchased online via the show ticket shop, which will be active from the beginning of 2024.
High-End Munich 2024 will be hosting 800 audio brands within the walls of the MOC München.
Safe The Dates: 09.05.2024 - 12.05.2024
Thursday - Sunday, 4 days
Venue: MOC München
Lilienthalallee 40
80939 Munich
Organizer: High End Society Service GmbH
Product groups: OpenReel Tape Recorders, Amplifiers, Audio, CD player, DVD player, Power amplifiers, Record player, Sound systems, Speakers and plenty analogue audiophile music.