Chasing The Dragon Audiophile Recordings
Chasing The Dragon, the specialist UK recording label known for producing audiophile recordings is run by Mike and Françoise Valentine. Mike Valentine is an ex-BBC sound engineer and he is passionate about high-quality audio recording.
Over the years our Chasing The Dragon record label has probably become best known for producing direct cut LPs. However, with the resurgence of interest in reel-to-reel tapes, Mike has been approached by many people asking to release reel copy master tapes, of Chasing The Dragon albums. Chasing The Dragon has become known as one of the leading producers of Audiophile Recordings.
During each recording session, we ran our 1/2" Studer A820 at 30ips creating a master tape. Even though the sessions were recorded directly to the cutting lathe at Air Studios, I always had at the back of my mind the thought that one day, making available copy masters to the public would be very interesting and exciting.
The ultimate reel-to-reel tape is the latest retro-trend for audiophiles, it has the greatest dynamic range, is capable of producing extraordinary sound for the treble and bass and there is less signal processing which is the enemy of a hi-fi extraordinaire.
The audio reel tape is now making a comeback in the world of music. As the highest quality medium for analogue recording and playback, magnetic tape technology has not only returned: after more than 30 years during which the technology was almost completely displaced by digital technology, it is now receiving the appreciation it deserves thanks to a small group of enthusiasts who are keeping it alive.
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